
I am merrily about the other day and I see a group notice come up. Followed by a bunch more. I am kind of anti-spam and if it starts to bother me A-typically I go over to your store and take myself out of said spammy group. I know, I’m a twit. I don’t really love pop-ups. Anyway, I hop over to this store all ready to click that remove button when what to my wondering eyes should appear? (Hint: It’s not a miniature sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer, though that would be really cool) A totally bright and cheery store with something that I loved and of course needed in every room. Blah has some really cute schtuffs. I picked out a cute little crop top and grabbed the hunt items and I’m sorry this was several days ago and I have been hoarding the pictures so I’m not exactly sure why I picked some of the items up. One might have been a shopping event type of deal. I tried all the shapes and though I love Ms. Janus as she is, I was very tempted to snag one and they are very reasonably priced. There are tattoos & makeups,  piercings, ear plus and few clothing items. Needless to say I did not remove myself but eagerly anticipate the next notice. If you have the inclination you should head over and have a shopsee.

On a lovely side note I am posed up pretty in a brand new chair soon to be released from DAHaus. Daedalus Brink is in the process of creating and revamping items in his stores inventory. This Plexus Chair is full of lovely things; a slew of textures to fit your taste and decor and some really nice poses. Menus are a snap which is always a plus in my book cause sometimes you just don’t want to mess for an hour trying to figure it out! Check out both shops in your daily rounds :)

Wearing: Skin: Natural Beauty (Miah McAuley ), Hair: Raw House (Jay Khaos), Piercing & plugs, Shirt: Blah. (hOShi Kimono), Jeans & belt: Ronsem (Eow Reverie), Socks: Maitreya (Onyx LeShelle), Boots: COCO (cocoro Lemon)

This entry was posted by Cerrie Janus.

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